

While water, health and sanitation are urgent problems to address in developing countries, education is one of the few factors that can really improve the extent of poverty. A complete, accessible education system results in a more informed populous, therefore preventing the rise of many different types of potential issues.

Specifically, according to United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), giving girls education would largely benefit society as a whole. Educated girls marry and give birth much later than the average age at which girls in developing nations are often sent out at: 15. When they do get married, they know the right way to raise an infant, from feeding the newborn nutritious foods, educating the infant, all the way to giving that extra care when the baby is sick. Girls who have received an education are also more likely to have skills necessary to generate income, allowing their families to live a better life.

However, due to the poor infrastructure evident in most impoverished countries, children have to walk miles on miles to fulfill what developed countries often see as a basic human right, education. Among these children who are able to make the daily trips to school, only about half of them graduate successfully. At present, since sexism is still prevalent in most developing countries, millions of girls are denied the opportunity to learn and education for their male counterparts is seen as an ultimate superiority.

We believe a complete, consistent education system is at the core of development for these countries and stand strongly for providing the resources necessary to get more girls in these areas to school.